In-Game Commands
In-Game Commands
Teleportation Commands
- /back: Teleports to the previous location. Can be used multiple times.
- /spawn: Teleports you to spawn.
- /rtp: Teleports you to a random location in the world, avoiding oceans and unsafe areas.
- /home [name]: Teleports to a saved home.
- /sethome: Sets a home.
- /delhome: Deletes a home.
- /listhomes [player]: Lists all homes for the specified player.
Warp Commands
- /warp [name]: Teleports to a warp.
- /listwarps: Lists all available warps.
- /setwarp: Sets a warp. (Donators Only)
- /delwarp: Deletes a warp. (Donators Only)
Player Teleportation Requests
- /tpa [player]: Requests to teleport to another player.
- /tpahere [player]: Requests another player to teleport to you.
- /tpaccept: Accepts a teleportation request. (Also available as an on-screen button)
- /tpadeny: Denies a teleportation request. (Also available as an on-screen button)
Miscellaneous Commands
- /trashcan: Opens an inventory where items are deleted upon closing.
- /hat: Equips the item in your main hand as a hat.
- /nick <name>: Changes your nickname in chat. (Donators Only)
OpenPAC Commands
Note: OpenPAC commands may not be available in all modpacks. Check your specific modpack documentation for details.
General Commands
- /openpac-claims: Manage claims and claim-related settings.
- /openpac-parties: Manage parties and party-related settings.
- /opm: Shortcut to enter party chat.
- ': Opens the mod UI. (Keybinding can be customized in the controls menu.)
FTB Teams Commands
Note: FTB Teams commands may not be available in all modpacks. Some features may vary depending on your modpack.
Team Management
- /ftbteams create [name]: Create a new team.
- /ftbteams invite [player]: Invite a player to your team.
- /ftbteams kick [player]: Remove a player from your team.
- /ftbteams leave: Leave your current team.
- /ftbteams info: Display information about your current team.
- /ftbteams list: List all teams on the server.
Team Chat
- /ftbteams msg [message]: Send a message to your team chat.
Cập nhật:
18 Th01 năm 2025 22:56
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